What Is Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Affordable Wisdom Tooth Removal in Thornhill, Toronto

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Wisdom tooth removal involves pulling out the four permanent adult teeth known as third molars, found at the very back of the upper and lower jaws. The average age at which wisdom teeth erupt is between 17 and 21. However, the majority of people have all four wisdom teeth.

When Is Wisdom Tooth Removal Necessary?

Most people remove them for one of the following reasons:

  • They are Impacted: Wisdom teeth may not come in regularly because they are far back in your mouth. As a result, they may become stuck in your jawbone or gums, which can be uncomfortable.
  • They Come in at the Wrong Angle: When this happens, they might contact your other teeth.
  • There Isn’t Enough Room in Your Mouth: An additional molar cannot fit your jaw.
  • You Have Gum Disease or Cavities: You might not be able to reach your wisdom teeth with your toothbrush or dental floss.

Procedure for Wisdom Tooth Removal

Dentists and dental specialists do wisdom teeth extractions under local anesthesia, which stops the patient from feeling pain throughout the process while the patient is fully aware. Another alternative is to do the procedure under general or short-term anesthesia. In this type of anesthesia, the patient wakes up two to three hours after the surgery but is unaware of it. Unlike local anesthesia, health insurance does not cover short or general anesthesia.

What Happens After Wisdom Tooth Removal?

You might anticipate some discomfort following wisdom tooth removal, along with some bleeding and swelling. You’ll receive management advice for your wisdom teeth from your oral surgeon to help you cope with these adverse effects.

What Will Happen If I Choose Not to Have the Procedure or If It Is Postponed?

Your symptoms might worsen or come back. There is a chance of developing a severe, maybe fatal, infection. It might not be feasible to have corrective surgery or another orthodontic procedure if you need to have your wisdom teeth removed beforehand. Front teeth crowding is unrelated to impacted wisdom teeth. Contact your dentist if your pain is getting worse.

Best Wisdom Tooth Removal in Thornhill, Toronto

Advice for a Quick Recovery

Resting a lot is the key to recovering quickly from wisdom teeth surgery. A blood clot develops into new connective tissue and bone mass in the open wound during this time. Physical activity is not allowed during the healing phase since it can lead to rebleeding. You can stay away from housework and sports. On the other hand, sleeping in a slightly elevated posture promotes healing.

Tips on Eating and Drinking After a Wisdom Tooth Extraction

  • Water and soft foods are the best meals to hasten the healing process.
  • Alcohol and hot beverages are not advised after wisdom tooth extraction.
  • Hard food needs to be eaten carefully since the crumbs that form after chewing might stay in the mouth and create irritation.
  • Avoid using mouthwashes, such as ones that contain chlorhexidine.
  • Smoking should be avoided at this time due to the poisonous nature of nicotine, which may have adverse effects on the affected tissue.

If bleeding continues, you can treat the symptoms with light painkillers. Please use a soft cloth dampened with cold water to cool the area instead of ice cubes.

What Should I Do Following a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

  • For the first several days, get as much rest as possible.
  • Avoid intense activities for 48 to 72 hours.
  • Apply an ice pack or cold compress to your face to aid with swelling.
  • Gently soak the surgical areas with an antibacterial mouthwash to keep them clean.
  • Avoid forcefully swishing, which might create dry sockets and dislodge blood clots.
  • brush the rest of your teeth as usual.
  • Take any recommended medications, including antibiotics and painkillers, precisely as prescribed.

What Benefits Can Wisdom Tooth Extractions Offer?

The most significant advantage of removing wisdom teeth is that it lowers the chance of developing future oral health issues such as gum disease, tooth decay, damage to neighboring teeth, bone loss, and jaw injury. In addition, if you already experience pain from your wisdom teeth, extraction can almost instantly relieve it and put you back on track to excellent dental health.

What Are the Risks or Side Effects of Wisdom Tooth Removal?

  • pain
  • bleeding
  • bruising and swelling
  • infection
  • An allergic response to the tools, materials, or medication
  • dry socket, where the socket does not heal properly
  • Retained roots, which make it impossible to extract the entire tooth
  • Damage to teeth nearby

When to Go to the Dentist

If your wisdom teeth are causing you much pain or suffering, you should schedule an appointment with us at SkyRise Dental in Thornhill, Toronto. Our dentist will examine your teeth and let you know whether you need extraction. They will often take an X-ray of your mouth if they think you need to have your wisdom teeth removed. This makes it easier for them to see the position of your teeth. Instead of waiting for your yearly dental exam, seeing our dentists as soon as possible is crucial if you have tooth issues. You can call us!

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