Root canal therapy is the most suitable treatment if you are experiencing any pulp-related problems. However, in the best-case scenario, the fact that your dentist advises a root canal procedure shows that the tooth is still worth saving. Root canal therapy helps to eliminate the bacteria in the infected root canal, prevent the tooth infection again, and preserve the healthy tooth. There are several valid reasons to schedule a date and time for your dentist to perform a root canal.
8 Reasons Why Getting a Root Canal is a Good Thing
It will help if you keep the following examples in mind:
1. Prevent the Spread of the Infection to Other Teeth
The good news is that this approach can help you eliminate a condition that many causes share: a pulp infection. As defined, the fundamental steps of a root canal are there to enable the dentist to access the pulp, eliminate any affected portion, and stop the infection from spreading.
Also, it gives a chance to look for additional dentin injury or any nerve damage. Finally, before sealing the tooth with a filling and, frequently, a crown, you can expect the dentist to administer antibiotics to remove any remaining signs of the infection.
2. Eliminate the Need for Tooth Extraction
If you don’t treat it, a severely infected tooth may eventually need to be extracted. Since you require a complete set of teeth to chew food and keep the balance of your bite correctly, this can create problems of its own. Although there are many ways to fill in gaps in your smile, keeping natural teeth whenever possible is always preferable. When the dentist recommends a root canal, it simply indicates that other, less invasive treatments are still an option because your tooth is still potentially savable.
3. Get Relief from the Pain Brought on by an Infected Tooth
The pulp infection inside your tooth, which root canal therapy is meant to address, causes discomfort. The pulp contains the tooth’s nerves; therefore, when bacteria attack it, you may experience severe pain that will worsen over time. The pain will be eliminated following a root canal, letting you eat and smile without discomfort once again.

4. Decrease the Chance of Gum Infection
The infection won’t just harm the pulp that is still healthy. Instead, it could spread to your gums over time, weakening the dentin. The pain level may startle you if you’ve never had a gum infection.
Here’s another issue we have to address. Gum infections result in more than just slight bleeding of the gums. Eventually, they can break down tissue and even damage the bone structure. So, if you decide not to take action, it might have long-term effects that are very expensive to fix.
5. Preserve Your Natural Teeth
Your natural teeth carry out several tasks you might not even know. For example, each tooth prevents the teeth next to it from drifting out of place and maintains the health of the underlying jawbone through the stimulation they offer. You can guarantee that these functions will still be carried out by having a root canal performed on your tooth as opposed to letting it fall out.
6. Stop the Spread of the Infection to the Rest of the Body
There is a chance that the infection will spread to other body parts once it has reached the gums. The common misconception is that dental problems only affect the mouth, teeth, and gums. When there is an infection, nothing could be further from the truth. If you don’t do anything, the infection might eventually affect how well your immune system, nervous system, and even heart function. Although the procedure generally takes time, you should avoid taking the risk in the first place. It is better to do it now and prevent the increased risk.
7. Stop Having Trouble Chewing on that Side of Your Mouth
You can’t continue to chew on that side of your mouth once you experience a twinge of pain from the infected tooth. The root canal and crown are your best options. The root canal removes the infection and prevents several potential problems in the future. A crown restores the appearance and provides additional security, while a filling helps protect the tooth’s remaining structure. In addition, the teeth on either side won’t wear down more quickly than they should due to your chewing activity.
8. Save Money on Tooth Replacements
You can replace missing teeth with dental implants, bridges, or dentures. However, they are expensive to place, and in the case of bridges and dentures, you will need to have them changed approximately every few years. You can avoid all the difficulties of needing new teeth and will ultimately save money by having a root canal treatment.
The advantages of root canal therapy listed above should be sufficient justification to follow your dentist’s advice and keep your tooth. But, naturally, you can always contact your dental office in advance if you have any inquiries about the procedure.
Are you convinced that going through a root canal is the best action? If so, contact us at SkyRise Dental in Thornhill, Toronto, or make an appointment online immediately!